President Rothschild Baptized in Blood of Martyrs By Evil Pope

President Thomas Jefferson Rothschild is thought by many to be a messianic president. That is until his loses his power in a coup causing America the nation virtually collapses. After regaining his power, thanks to the bravery of Robert Snowdown, Rothschild decides that his nice guy approach wasn’t the answer.

His first move is to freely hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the Anti-Christ, Lee Ginn. 

Excerpt: Selling America's Freedom To The Anti-Christ

Soon, it was the contingent of the United States turn to pay respects to their new lord.  President Rothschild led the group up the steps and stopped directly in front of Caesar Pharaoh Lee Ginn.  He greeted the ruler by kissing his ring filled hand, then immediately fell to a prone position on the marble altar and worshipped at the Ginn’s feet and the bones of St. Peter.  Everyone in the contingent followed suit, including Aislin and Robert. 

After Caesar Pharaoh ordered them to stand, President Rothschild offered Ginn original copies of the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the bible George Washington used in his Presidential oath of office, as well as the Hope diamond from the Smithsonian Institute. 

A priest grabbed Rothschild’s arm and started leading the president and his entourage towards the eerie fountain of human blood.  Transfixed, Rothschild got into the pool and was baptized by Ginn’s puppet Pope.  He emerged from the perverse rite wearing a zombie-like stare that sent shivers up and down Robert’s spine. 

Everyone in the contingent followed the president’s lead and entered the fountain, one after another, to be baptized in the blood of crucified men. 

Robert, who had thus far avoided Ginn’s hypnotic stare, mainly because Ginn could not take his eyes off Aislin, was determined not to get into the pool.  He decided to enact his plan right here and now and his weapon of choice would be the Holy Lance of Longinus, Ginn so arrogantly held in his right hand. 

For hundreds of years, men and women who loved liberty, sacrificed everything, including their own lives, for the freedoms America stood for.  There was no way in hell Robert was going to idly sit by and let President Rothschild throw away what the founding fathers so proudly stood for. 

As the immortal words spoken by Thomas Paine, “Give me liberty or give me death!” rang in his ears, he knew it was his calling to put an end to all this madness, before anyone knew what was going on.  Then he would have to fight his way out or die.

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