Lee Ginn, The Devil's Prophet Anti-Christ

Perhaps the perfect human physical specimen, Lee Ginn was aware of his satanic lineage and supernatural mind control powers from an early age. Taught military and politics by the best European headmasters, Ginn quickly filled the power vacuum left by America, as she once again bogged herself down in another quagmire of a Middle-Eastern war.

Leading a coalition that includes most of Europe, Asia, Africa and South America, Ginn attempts to isolate the United States and her allies and then destroy them after dragging humanity into World War III. Once humanity is decimated, he plans to replace them with a super-demonic race, through his own demonic alien/human hybrid blood.

Excerpt: Anti-Christ loses his cool, blames messenger...

A bloody severed head slowly bounced across the blue marble floor of Lee Ginn’s dining room, coming to a stop just a few feet from where he was entertaining world leaders with a marvelous feast.  The decapitated body still shook, as it squirted life’s blood ever shorter distances.  Ginn’s violent temper had exploded when the young messenger told him the mega-tsunami event he orchestrated had been stopped by USO’s and the messenger paid with his life. 

With his brazen plan of destroying America ending in failure, Ginn knew he would soon have to answer for his failure to Satanus Luciferus.  So, upon hearing the news, Ginn walked over to a gothic, metal statue of a knight, took its sword and viciously hacked off the unsuspecting man’s head. 

“Goddamn it,” Ginn yelled, as he ran and kicked the dead man’s head like a football, sending it flying out of the elaborate dining room.  It made a sickening thud as it dribbled along the floor.  The leaders never even looked up.

They were too busy chatting amongst each other, drinking wine, eating filet mignon and caviar.  The leaders of Russia, China, France, Iran, Turkey, North Korea, Italy, Libya, Venezuela and Syria were the most prominent of the women and men Ginn was hosting.  He had them so fully under his hypnotic powers they couldn’t have cared less how many people he killed or how he killed them.

“Sorry about that small excursion, ladies and gentlemen,” Ginn said, as he slid back into his chair and scooted up to the table.  “Now, that was some very bad news, but we will get past it because it was only a small setback and not the endgame.  We must now turn our attention to plan B.  It appears from all our intelligence reports that Snowdown will bypass Israel and land the full force of his armies onto the shores of France on route to Germany.  He is apparently under the foolish impression he can kill me, but he will certainly fail.”

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