THE DEVIL'S PROPHET excerpt: Pope baptises USA President in Blood

Lee Ginn, the self-appointed Anti-Christ, never changed the bemused look on his face as world leaders climbed the steps to the stage and knelt before him, offering priceless treasures, men to be sacrificed and women to be used as slaves and surrogate mothers.  He did nothing more than wave the gifts away, before the next world leaders walked up the steps to take their turn bowing before Ginn.

After accepting each individual country’s allegiance, gifts and sacrifices, the leaders and their entourages were directed to exit to the left of the Baldachino and enter a twenty foot diameter, marble pool, set up especially for this occasion.  Ginn’s handpicked Pope of the Holy Roman Catholic Church stood in the middle of the pool, along with two elderly cardinals. 

The holy men were completely naked except for blood stained mitres.  Standing in about four feet of human blood, the Pope baptized each and every person who entered the fountain in the name of Caesar Pharaoh Lee Ginn.  After each baptism, the person came out of the blood a totally new person, mesmerized by the evil allure of their new demigod, Lee Ginn. 

A sickening steam rose from the pool each time the priestesses poured more blood into it.  The holy men looked lustily at the train of priestesses, hoping to have their way with them when the proceedings were over.  The dreadful stench given off by the vast amounts of fresh human blood floated atrociously in the open air in a foul mist. 

Eventually, the putrid smell meandered its way to where Aislin and Robert stood, making them gag.  Within seconds everyone in the American contingent was ready to puke.  Robert thought it was very strange how the smell of hundreds of men’s lifeblood could make everyone sick, but as soon as the people looked into Lee Ginn’s eyes, they gladly entered the pool of blood. 

Soon, it was the contingent of the United States turn to pay respects to their new lord.  Rothschild led the group up the steps and stopped directly in front of Caesar Pharaoh Lee Ginn.  He greeted the ruler by kissing his ring filled hand, then immediately fell to a prone position on the marble altar and worshipped at the Ginn’s feet and the bones of St. Peter.  Everyone in the contingent followed suit, including Aislin and Robert. 

After Caesar Pharaoh ordered them to stand, President Rothschild offered Ginn original copies of the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, the bible George Washington used in his Presidential oath of office, as well as the Hope diamond from the Smithsonian Institute. 

Much impressed with the offerings, Ginn allowed Rothschild to begin introducing his military advisors.  After those official formalities, Rothschild finally introduced Habiba and Robert. 

“This is not Habiba El Naggar; it is my cousin, Aislin!”  Ginn exclaimed excitedly, as he jumped out of his throne greet her, forgetting the gifts, the worshipping, the baptizing, the chanting and everything else. 

Rather than shying away from him, as Robert expected, Aislin graciously welcomed Ginn with open arms.  “Cousin!” they both bellowed as they embraced. 

Ginn whispered something into Aislin’s ear, making her laugh, before playfully picking her up and swinging her around in a loving bear hug.  He was elated beyond belief, showing a loving side of his personality that was totally unanticipated by Robert, who just stood there dumbfounded. 

When Ginn finally put her down, he asked her to join him for dinner later that evening.  She agreed, but only if Robert could attend.  Ginn consented and reluctantly returned to his throne.  He motioned for the president to be silent, after he repeatedly apologized for mistaking Aislin for Habiba. 

A priest grabbed Rothschild’s arm and started leading the president and his entourage towards the eerie fountain of human blood.  Transfixed, Rothschild got into the pool and was baptized by the Pope.  He emerged from the perverse rite wearing a zombie-like stare that sent shivers up and down Robert’s spine. 

Everyone in the contingent followed the president’s lead and entered the fountain, one after another, to be baptized in the blood of crucified men. 

Robert, who had thus far avoided Ginn’s hypnotic stare, mainly because Ginn could not take his eyes off Aislin, was determined not to get into the pool.  He decided to enact his plan right here and now and his weapon of choice would be the Holy Lance of Longinus, Ginn so arrogantly held in his right hand. 

For hundreds of years, men and women who loved liberty, sacrificed everything, including their own lives, for the freedoms America stood for.  There was no way in hell Robert was going to idly sit by and let President Rothschild throw away what the founding fathers so proudly stood for.

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