ISIL Blows up Islamic Dome of the Rock Temple (excerpt from THE DEVIL'S PROPHET)

Satanus Luciferus ordered the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khameini to send a team of mercenaries disguised as ISIL terrorists to the Caliph Abd al-Malik (Dome of the Rock Mosque) in Jerusalem. Their mission would be to secretly and strategically place a small, but powerful, bomb in a crack at the recently discovered bulge in the Southern wall of the Temple Mount’s foundations. 

When remotely detonated, the entire Temple complex would collapse, killing tens of thousands of peaceful worshippers. Lee Ginn would make sure that the act of terrorism would be caught on video, placing the full burden of guilt on Islamic Fundamentalism. 

Satanus reasoned that if Israel was involved in any way with the destruction of the Dome of the Rock Mosque and the Temple Mount, then Islam would quickly be united, sparking a full-on global Arab uprising, unlike the brutal uprising of ISIL, but according to ancient prophecies. 

But if the guilt were to be put on Islamic Fundamentalism, then it would be likely the unity of the Islamic world would be splintered and would spark an international jihad within Islam itself, thus preventing their prophesied Messianic Mahdi led war against the Jew and Heathen from ever happening. This was exactly what Satanus wanted, because a de facto Arab civil war would allow Israel to rebuild their ancient temple at the time of their choosing and not his.

If Satanus could control the time and place of the start the Third World War and the opening of the final Biblical seal that preceded the return of Christ, then things would never happen the way it was supposed to, according to prophecy. 

He knew the prophecies all predicted his ultimate demise, so he would simply change things. He would control the opening of the final seal, not the Muslims or the Jews. By preempting the timing of the prophecies, he would catch the Christ unawares and unprepared, ripe for an easy slaughter.

Satanus turned his attention to the Chinese and Russian presidents. He showed them a computer generated map of the Earth on the holographic table. Once Satanus had their full attention, he laid out his strategy, going over the finer points again and again, in an exceedingly hypnotic demeanor and voice. 

He wanted them to join forces and use their militaries to surround and Israel and then destroy the United States and their allies when they blindly came to Israel’s rescue. 

He ordered them to have their two great armies train together until they were called upon by Ginn to act, at which time they would duly respond to his every command. 

Satanus wanted the body count to be as high as possible, regardless of the costs. He ultimately wanted no cities left standing in the United States and no possible chance for human habitation in the Holy Land for thousands of years. If this was accomplished, the other allies would simply surrender to avoid their own absolute destruction. 

If they didn’t surrender, Ginn’s alliance would utterly destroy them, as well. 

In return for their cooperation, Satanus would bestow upon the leaders new positions of great power within Lee Ginn’s One World Order. He also promised to make all three of the leaders top ranking demons of the highest order upon their deaths, amongst such infamous figures as Hitler, Napoleon and Nero. 

After all, if you kill a man, you are a murderer, if you kill a dozen, you are a mass murderer and if you kill a thousand, you are a terrorist. But if you kill a million men, then you are a great conqueror.

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