The Devil's Prophet Exposed: In God We Trust?

In God We Trust?

Since the US government pulled off putting 'In God We Trust' on money, and "One Nation Under God' in the pledge, we've lost the Korean War, lost the Vietnam War, had a president resign for being a crook, had another impeached for getting a blowjob from a White House intern, had embassies bombed all across the world, watched helplessly as the Iranian hostage crisis tore our souls, got busted in the Iran/Contra affair, started the Gulf War over oil, suffered through 911, started a never-ending war in the Middle East based on lies, fueled the rise of ISIL, are one mistake away from nuclear war with Russia and China, saw the government bail out banks and condemn millions of citizens to lose their homes, saw the government encourage torture, and spy on its own citizens, have seen the rise of mass murder rampages, allowed billionaires and their corporations to buy and control what was the first free government in world history, and then, after all that, blame all these problems on the poor, who, by the way, are the very people that your God said you had to help at all costs, if you believed in the words of the Christ. In God We Trust. Four words that doomed the greatest country in the history of the world to be on the verge of electing a man who stole all his ideals from Adolph Hitler, and begs our mortal enemy Russia to hack our government. Sixty years ago today we cursed God, and He cursed us back. Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and Give to God what belongs to God.

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